Thursday, February 4, 2016

Thesis statement of Breakfast at Tiffany's

     As Holly Golightly becomes friends with Paul Varjak, she eventually realizes that who she really is by knowing that what she wants to do and where she belongs. To follow your own mind and to do what you are eager to do are the most important things to do because they make people become fearless. Holly doesn't want to be a mammonish and heartless girl any more after the relationship with Paul develops deeper.

     The novel Me and You tells s story about how a little antisocial boy called Lorenzo becomes connected to others when his half sister Olivia comes into his life. He used to live in the tiny world he builds for himself and never walk out of it. However, as Olivia appears in his world in the cellar, everything has changed. At first Lorenzo cannot understand his half sister at all and he hates her so much because she breaks his peace. Then as the story goes on, Lorenzo eventually knows about his sister's story deeper and feels sorry for her. In the movies Breakfast at Tiffany's, Holly Golightly is such a social and light-hearted girl who is willing to have a better life and wants to marry a rich man. Then a young man called Paul Varjak appears and moves into the apartment where Holly lives. They are neighbors and they soon establish a friendship. Both Holly and Paul want to have a good life, but they both rely on others' help to gain money. As time goes by, Paul finds himself has fallen in love with Holly and he decides to give up the money a rich decorator woman provides. However, Holly tells him that a million ion from Brazil is going to marry her and she will leave for Brazil to start a new life. Paul is upset but he doesn't want to give up his love for Holly. Holly was arrested because of the accusation of having connection with the drug seller who has already been sent to a prison called Sing Sing. Paul bails her out of the jail and sends her to home. At last they Holly realizes that she has already been in love with Paul. In the pouring rain she finds her missing cat and cries deeply. Paul gets to find Holly and kisses her at the end of the film.

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