Wednesday, February 24, 2016


     When I was revising my draft, I mainly focused on how to delete some summaries and add more analysis into it. I'm clear that my first draft has too many summaries which makes my whole essay look too long, and it is a little lack of analysis and so it isn't strong enough. After revising my essay, I feel better than before, because some summaries have been deleted and analysis have been added. For example, in my second paragraph, I added analysis and I wrote both topic and ending sentences as well. That was another problem I had in my draft-from my peer feedbacks I found that in my two body paragraphs I didn't write clear topic or ending sentences. So I went back to look at my body paragraphs and I made some revisions.
     There is still something else I need to do more jobs on. I found it a little hard for me to make my quotations be more connected to sentences, which means they looked weird after I putting quotes into paragraphs. I tired to add more specific analysis after the quotations to make them clear. I think it was my second weakness, while the first one was I couldn't analysize my book or movie well. However, my strengthens in this essay were, as far as I've thought, I was able to conclude my idea briefly and correctly; and also I could write a good ending paragraph to reflect my thesis statement. Just like I've said before, my favorite sentence in my essay was "But when someone special comes into your life and teaches you a lesson, you will then feels like the whole world has lightened up". It's because I though it reflected my main idea and also concluded the two stories I've written. It was easy for me to make conclusions and think about what I am going to write to make my essay look logical. I had a structure in my mind when working on my revision. And I could deal with grammar correctly. 
     After stopping by writing center and getting help from the teacher, I made some corrections like the format of writing titles for both the novel and the movie. In order to make my sentences more direct and strong, I also deleted some words which seemed to be wordy and unnecessary. I did jobs to make my quotations clear and easy to understand, and corrected some problem of using first or third tense. These are how I made revisions so far.

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