Saturday, May 21, 2016

Theater Review

     The performance of "Comedy Tonight" was a big success. Unlike the drama in the last marking period, this time the performance was relaxing and quite funny. There were two acts in the whole performance, and I think Act Two was the most interesting one which brought me much fun and laughs. Students played different roles in different small acts, and they all did well during their performances. 
     In Act One, the most impressive act for me was "Popular", perfomed by Lexi Williamson and William  An. Lexi's voice was beautiful, but actually the lyrics in the song she sang was funny. Along with her actions, she successfully performed herself as a confident woman who believed she was able to make William be popular, but not "as quite popular as her". Also, William's performance in this act was so funny and exaggerating. After he wore the clothes for women, everyone burnt to laughs. He even danced like a woman and we couldn't help laughing.
     In Act Two, "John Jiang, the Latte Boy", "Rebuttal" and "Morning Meeting Gone Wrong" were the most successful acts in the performance. I love Sam Weed's voice and her skillful acting skill. The act was based on our real life, so audience had sympathy with the actress. "Rebuttal" talked about the boy mentioned in "John Jiang, the Latte Boy" who didn't really like that girl. He laughed at how foolish the girl was and tried to escaped away from her following. The contrast between the girl and the boy was attractive and funny, but if you think about it deeply, you will find it kind of sad because it was not good to realize the person you love doesn't really into you in real life. Also, John was also good at singing. His voice was in a low pitch which was impressive.
     "Morning Meeting Gone Wrong" was my favorite act in the whole show. Every actor perfectly played their own roles as different teachers. Especially the characters such as Mrs. Anderson and Mr. Monahan. "I finally find my joke" and the high-pitched voice were like symbols of Mrs. Anderson. And Mr. Monahan always gave a speech in an official way with his low-pitched voice. When the teacher was talking about sports games, students were excited and screamed loudly. This was exactly what would happen in our school. The act reappeared the real life in Cheshire Academy. Every student had strong feeling of what happened in our daily life, so it was the most successful act in the show.
     Thanks for all the actors in the performance and their consummate acting skills. They brought me laugh and let me have a wonderful night.

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