Monday, May 23, 2016

Peer Feedback on Poem Recitation

     The poem analysis of Poem of My Twentieth Birthday is really a good work. It includes almost every details that a review is supposed to have, such as a good introduction paragraph, a thesis statement, and analysis paragraphs. There is also a brief hook in the very beginning of the first paragraph. Since it is a first draft, there are obiviously something needed to be checke and improved. But generally it is a complete and good essay with logical languages and good organizations.
     There are three stanzas in the poem in total. Lillian analized each of them separately in three different paragraphs. So it's obvious to see that her analysis paragraphs are logical and clear. In the first analysis paragraph, every line was explained and are cited correctly when using direct quotes. The meaning of each line was given its original meaning, and also Lillian's own thinkings during the time she read the poem. Combining with the origin meaning and her thoughts, the first stanza was clear and vivid, and was really easy to understand. 
     In the second analysis paragraph, there is a clear comparison of the growths of palm trees and human beings, which helps readers understand easily. By comparing and contrasting palm trees and human, the main point of the second stanza in the poem was explained logically- people get more mature after growing up, and those childhood memories were like a treasure. The analysis for the last stanza talks about its meaning and personal thinking. The main point of the third stanza has also been pointed out.
     The last paragraph talks about the figurative languages of the whole poem and gives a few conclusions. The explanations of the figurative languages are complete and understandable; however, I think it would be better if Lillian divides the analysis of figurative languages and puts them into her three analysis paragraphs in order to be more connective and clear. It's better to make the conclusion paragraph be an independent one. And this should be more specific because it needs to restate the anyalsis written before and reflect the thesis statement. Furthermore, the hook and and the thesis statement can be more detailed and instructive in order to make them clear. There aren't many grammar errors, but Lillian can also go back and double check if she wants. Personally I think it is really a good review.

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