Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Poem-True Friend

True Friend
--Ashley Campbell

A friend is like a star that twinkles and glows
Or maybe like the ocean that gently flows
A friend is like gold that you should treasure 
And take care of forever and ever
A friend is like an angel that is there to guide you
A friend is someone you can trust out of a few
A friend is more than one in a million 
They are one in a ca-zillion
And you, my friend, are very special
and so it is official.

This poem is about true friends we have. I chose this poem because I think it is rhyming and lyrical. It's pretty easy to memorize. I like the sentences "A friend is like an angel that is there to guide you/ A friend is someone you can trust out of a few". They are educational and thought-provoking.

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