Thursday, January 28, 2016

Lorenzo's change at the end

     At the end of the story, Lorenzo has already changed himself by taking off his mask he used to wear. He didn't feel reluctant to study in the boarding high school, and he began to make friends and be connected to others. Several years ago Lorenzo was just a kid who refused to contact with others. "I begged my parents to let me change schools-one for misfits or deaf and dumb students would be perfect" (pg. 36), that's what he used to think. However, after having an experience staying with Olivia for a couple of days and dancing with her at the very last night, he changed. He decided to change. He "felt something he'd never felt before" and "felt alive". He though he "would be able to talk to others". These feelings show that Lorenzo began to take off the mask and change. Obviously Lorenzo changed when Olivia came into his life. 

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